Webinar #31: Overcoming the challenges of intersectionality
Webinar #30: Promotions and other competitive processes: How do I gear up and go for it?
Webinar #29: Managing the emotional rollercoaster of rejections
Webinar #28: Building a program of research: The why, when and how
Webinar #27: Collaboration over competition: Supporting fellow women researchers
Webinar #26: I feel burnt out: Insights from the Australian university staff survey
Webinar #25: Advice to your younger self: career insights from female ARC Laureates
Webinar #24: Ask the Laureates anything! A webinar devoted to your questions
Webinar #23: The right balance: Managing teaching and research responsibilities in academia
Webinar #22: Staying curious and creative in a metrics-driven academic world
Webinar #21: Building a healthy academic culture - Preventing and addressing harassment and bullying
Webinar #20: Leading research teams for success
Webinar #19: Rebooting your academic career after an extended leave
Webinar #18: From passive to productive - How to hold effective meetings
Webinar #17: Breaking through glass ceilings and glass walls
Webinar #16: Crafting your job for meaning and purpose
Webinar #15: Organisational strategies, policies and practices for supporting women in research
Webinar #14: Making a difference: How to enhance the impact of your research beyond academia
Webinar #13: Building A Higher Profile: How to Enhance Academic Impact
Webinar #12: Networking for Everyone (including Introverts)