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Suggested Videos and Podcasts
Joy Damousi speaks openly about gender discrimination in Higher Education.
Elaine Sadler talks about how CAASTRO had policies and tools to guide a gender equity strategy.
Video featuring female academics talking about gender equality
TED talk - Know your Worth, Then Ask for It
Suggested topics
Promotion and hiring systems
Representation of women
Why we need change
A diversity-friendly culture
Engaging men to champion change
Gender pay gap
Kulik, C. T., Metz, I., & Gould, J. A. (2016). In the company of women: The well-being consequences of working with (and for)other women. Handbook on Well-Being of Working Women, 189–207.
Hewlett, S.A., Peraino, K., Sherbin, L. & Sumberg, K. (2010). The sponsor effect: Breaking through the last glass ceiling. Harvard Business Review. December.
Mainiero, L. A., & Sullivan, S. E. (2005). Kaleidoscope careers: An alternate explanation for the “opt-out” revolution. The Academy of Management Executive, 19, 106–123.
Morriss, A., Ely, R. J., & Frei, F. X. (2011). Stop holding yourself back. Harvard Business Review, 89(January-February), 160–163.
Metz, I., & Tharenou, P. (2001). Women’s career advancement: The relative contribution of human and social capital. Group & Organization Management, 26, 312–342.
Allen, T. D., Eby, L. T., Poteet, M. L., Lentz, E., & Lima, L. (2004). Career benefits associated with mentoring for protégés: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89, 1, 127-136. doi: 10.1037/0021-9010.89.1.127
Chandler, D. E., Kram, K. E., & Yip, J. (2011). An ecological systems perspective on mentoring at work: A review and future prospects. Academy of Management Annals, 5, 1, 519–570.
Dennehy, T. C., & Dasgupta, N. (2017). Female peer mentors early in college increase women’s positive academic experiences and retention in engineering. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(23), 5964-5969.
Pololi, L. H., & Evans, A. T. (2015). Group peer mentoring: an answer to the faculty mentoring problem? A successful program at a large academic department of medicine. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 35(3), 192-200.
Ely, R., Ibarra, H., & Kolb, D. M. (2011). Taking gender into account: Theory and design for women’s leadership development programs. The Academy of Management Learning and Education, 10, 474–493.