I do believe women think differently, and diversity of thought is invaluable to technological and research development.
Michelle Simmons
Michelle Simmons
Director of ARC Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology
Professor of Quantum Physics, The University of New South Wales
Being the 2018 Australian of the Year means Michelle Simmons has been significantly more in the spotlight recently. When she's not solicited by the media, Michelle leads a world-leading centre in quantum information systems. She aims to build a quantum computer able to solve problems in minutes that would otherwise take thousands of years. Such a discovery has the potential to revolutionise drug design, machine learning on big data, self-driving vehicles, artificial intelligence and more. Michelle talks about collaborating with industry and competing globally in the podcast.
In the podcast, Michelle also shares what helps her remain productive and juggle work and family. Like many women in academia, she is faced with challenges and setbacks but Michelle has a very inspiring approach to communication and making mistakes that certainly contributes to her success.
As a strong advocate for diversity, Michelle enjoys inspiring more women and girls to dream big and pursue science and quantum physics. In the podcast, Michelle reflects on mentoring women, building confidence and not holding back.
A snapshot of our conversation with Michelle Simmons
Michelle Simmons - Story
Michelle Simmons on the space race of the computing era, juggling family and the spotlight and leadership.