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Webinar #7: Be bold! How to embrace risk, be proactive and make things happen

'If you're going to move science and knowledge forward, you've got to be creative, you've got to be innovative.' - Professor Lorraine Mazerolle

Research has the power to change the world for the better. As researchers, part of our job is to question things and produce innovative new research, but it can be difficult when our days are filled with teaching demands and other time pressures.

Being bold in our careers, such as by moving jobs or taking on stretch projects, is just as challenging. It is much more comfortable to keep doing what we have always done.

So, how do we be more proactive in our careers and our research? How do we proactively drive change and create new directions? It is easy to say 'be bold', but how do we do it?

In this webinar, the seventh in the "Small Wins" series, ARC Laureate Fellow Professor Sharon Parker (Curtin University) will provide an evidence-based overview about being proactive and making things happen.

She will be joined by two female ARC Laureate Fellows, Professor Alison Bashford (University of New South Wales) and Professor Maureen Dollard (University of South Australia) who will share lessons they have learned from taking risks and being proactive in their career.

Sharon's tips:

  1. Enhance your “can do” motivation - build your confidence through enactive mastery & role modelling

  2. Focus on areas where you have a strong “reason to” motivation; you are more likely to succeed

  3. Understand the power of energy – don’t try to be proactive if you are exhausted and beware of "emotional vampires"

Alison's tips:

  1. Self-directed ideas – know when an idea is great and act on it.

  2. Personal rules for going forward with an idea – build a team slowly and incrementally, then push for an outcome (e.g., publication)

  3. Draw clear start and finish lines for projects. Be clear when saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’

Maureen's tips:

  1. Overcoming negative self-talk and “getting on with it”

  2. Coping with rejection - the importance of perseverance

  3. Changing your institutional identity – ‘pushing upwards’ in the academy

  4. Social reciprocation and asking for help

Read more evidence-based tips on our Being Assertive and Proactive page by clicking here.

Download a copy of the presentation slides by clicking here.


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